Applications for Youth on the MOVE training opening soon
Posted Sep 14, 2015
Were you a volunteer during MOVE Week in 2015 and would love to become MOVE Agent for MOVE Week in 2016? Do you like to participate in sport events? Would you like to actively engage in the organisation of sport events and promote physical activity? Do you need to add more skills to your CV? How about meeting and working with other young people from other EU countries who are involved in the same campaign as you?
If your answer is YES, then we invite you to find out more about “Youth on the MOVE” training and how to become part of it.
The main objective of Youth on the MOVE is to create a platform where young people from different countries in Europe and Latin America will engage in the exchange and development of grassroots sport campaigns and initiatives promoting healthier lifestyles.
The project is based on a 10-month training course through an online platform with virtual and physical meetings. You will learn how to organise events, projects and other initiatives in your local community, and how to generate awareness of the importance of physical activity/sports in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Youth on the MOVE is part of the NowWeMOVE and Move Brasil campaigns, which have been running in Europe since 2012 and Brazil since 2013. MOVE Week is the flagship event of both campaigns, and, along with our partners (see below), we will share our experience in staging this wide-scale event with you as part of the training.
ISCA and our project partners, SESC São Paulo (Brazil), UBAE (Spain) and V4Sport (Poland), will develop and provide training to 30 participants from Europe and 30 from Latin America aged between 18 and 30 years who are linked to an organisation, institution or even governmental bodies directly connected with the sport/physical activity sector as a promotion of healthy lifestyles. We are seeking individuals with experience and/or interest on working with the promotion of sports and physical activity and who are fluent in English.
The online training course will consist of 6 webinars with approximately 3 hours’ duration, 15 facilitated sessions in small groups and a Buddy System methodology. We are also offering offline training for 30 European participants, international guests, instructors and coordinators, where you will be able to gather tools and resources to organise your own MOVE Week event.
The training programme has as four central points:
- The concept of Sport For All:
- objectives
- values
- worldwide status
- proactivity
- Tools and instructions for organising events and projects, such as:
- Practical preparation and implementation of the events
- Promotion, media and marketing
- Fundraising
- HR management of volunteers
- Sustainable activation
- Activation of inactive people
- Pro-activity among young people
- Sustainable partnership building
- Understanding and identifying key partners
- Building sustainable partnerships
We expect you to commit and actively participate in the training throughout the whole 10 months. We encourage you to bring your ideas to the table and realise them during MOVE Week 2016 with the help of the YOTM training.
The online application will open in October 2015 and must be filled by the organisation and the candidate. Selected candidates will be announced on 1 st of December 2015. All of the costs related to the online training course (online platform, materials and other proposed activities), as well as the costs associated with the offline meeting (airplane ticket, food and accommodation), will be 100% covered by the project – neither the participants nor the organisations will have costs.
The “Youth on the MOVE” project is financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ Sport programme, within the field of capacity building of youth. The project is led by the following four organisations:
- ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association (Denmark)
- ISESC São Paulo – Social Service of Commerce (Brazil)
- IUBAE - (Spain)
- IV4SPORT – Volunteers 4 Sport (Poland)
If you would like to contribute to growing the number of actions, activities and events that promote Sport for All and healthy lifestyles, then contact your MOVE Week National Coordinator for more information.
For more information, contact:
Monika Rešetar, Youth Officer
Saška Benedicic Tomat, Head of Project,
General contact
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