
The "Youth on the MOVE" project is financed by the EU's Erasmus+ Sport programme,
within the field of capacity building of youth.
The project is led by the following four organisations:

  • International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA)

    The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of grassroots sport, culture, youth and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 180 member organisations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. The 40 million individual members of these 180 organisations from 65 countries represent a diverse group of people active within youth, sport and cultural activities. ISCA concentrates on three key areas - project activities, education and policy- making/advocacy efforts. Apart from promoting events and educational programmes, ISCA takes a full role in the public debate on civil society engagement in sport and culture and strives to influence policies in these areas.

    As the founder of the European-wide NowWeMOVE campaign to promote grassroots sport and physical activity (, ISCA, along with SESC as founder of the MOVE Brasil campaign, will be the central organisation in the coordination of the project. ISCA's partnership with SESC will make the project and its results an integral part of the two campaigns. ISCA is also centrally placed to execute a broad-reaching dissemination and exploitation of the project.

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  • Social Service of Commerce (SESC) São Paulo

    SESC's actions are the result of a solid cultural and educational approach which, ever since the institution's founding in 1946 by the commerce and service sector in Brazil, has led to innovation and social transformation. SESC has been developing over the years, introducing new models of cultural action in the 1980s, and underscoring non-formal education as a prerequisite for social transformation.

    SESC, as a quasi-public institution, aims at promoting social welfare, enhancing quality of life and facilitating physical and cultural development of commerce and service employees, serving all segments of the public (including various age and socio-economic groups), but with an increasing focus on youth.

    In São Paulo, SESC has a network of 32 branches, most of which are cultural or sports centres. It also offers activities in social tourism, health programmes, environmental education and special programmes for targeted age groups.

    Every week, hundreds of thousands of people - men, women, children, young people or adults - go to the SESC branches where they embrace the opportunities for sport, personal development, cultural improvement and social inclusion.

    SESC is also running the campaign Move Brasil, along with YMCA Brazil, Athletes for Citizenship, Olympic Public Authority (APO), the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Health – all of whom are committed to joining forces to increase the number of Brazilians taking part in sport and physical activity coinciding with the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games in Brazil. MOVE Week Brasil 2015 took place from 19 to 27 September attracting positive and attention in the press and social networks, and promoting nation-wide awareness of sport and physical activity. 5,500 free activities were offered to local citizens. MOVE Week also took place in Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay this year, with over 1.5 million participants (including those in Brazil) in more than 350 cities taking part.

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  • Union Barcelona of Association of Sport (UBAE)

    UBAE is a leading promoter and provider of sport and fitness in Catalonia and beyond, implementing activities both in the rest of Spain and in other European countries, in particular Slovenia. It is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation established in the 1980s to address the lack of resources and activities provided by the Municipality of Barcelona to encourage people to take up sport and physical activity. In the beginning, the activities organised were focused on primary schools where no sporting activities were offered after the lessons. Groups of families in different districts of the City of Barcelona took the initiative to organise these after school activities themselves. Finally in the late 1980s the leaders of these initiatives decided to join forces in a common movement. It was called UBAE. By this time the target group was not only children and youth, but adults and elderly people as well.

    In the late 1990s UBAE took on the challenge to manage a public sport facility with the aim to promote and develop the activities which had been developed in the schools, and open the activities up to other citizens. UBAE was recognised by the Municipality of Barcelona for being the first private entity managing a public sport facility (built by the Municipality) in the city.

    Nowadays UBAE is an umbrella organisation with 21 members and 400 employees, most of them youth leaders. It has also created a brand called Eurofitness.

    UBAE currently operates 13 facilities that are used for sport and physical activity, including UBAE clubs. It has been a regular and active participant in more than 10 European projects with its partners, including ISCA.

    UBAE also runs its own training centre where vocational studies are provided for young people. The studies are called "modul de grau superior en tècnics d'activitat fisica".

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    The mission of V4Sport is to increase the number of people physically active in Poland.

    V4Sport believes that volunteers can play a very important role in this process, in particular young volunteers.

    The organisation accomplishes its statutory objectives via:

    - support (trainings) for sports volunteers and promotion of creation and development of facilities and organisations engaged in non-commercial sport;
    - efforts to increase involvement in sport and physical culture, of both individuals and social groups;
    - provisions and development of tools which sports organisations can use to seek volunteers and people interested in sport.

    V4Sport works to facilitate positive changes in sports organisations. It has already completed a number of projects which support development of youth voluntary activities in sport and through sport. It develops tools to improve communication between organisations and young people interested in volunteering. It builds innovative web and multimedia projects for sport: portals, websites, applications and presentations.

    V4Sport is the National Coordinator of the NowWeMOVE campaign and its MOVE Week in Poland.

    V4Sport believes that new technologies are key to the successful engagement of young people in the field of sports volunteering. Its key products within this area are: International Common Data Base for Sports Volunteering (ICDB) (available in Polish and English) and Sports Volunteering Relationship Management tool - (currently available in Polish) - an advanced tool that enables successful management of even thousands of volunteers during one event.

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