The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) recognised and identified the need for more training for youth in the field of sport and events, and designed the Youth on the MOVE (YOTM) project to help meet this need.

YOTM is part of the NowWeMOVE and MOVE Brasil campaigns, which have been running in Europe since 2012 and Brazil since 2013. MOVE Week is the flagship event of both campaigns, and, along with our partners, we will share our experience in staging this wide-scale event with you as part of the training.
The project, open for 30 EU (+5 partner countries) and 30 Latin America participants, is based on a 10-month training course through an online platform with virtual and physical meetings. The participants will learn how to organise events, projects and other initiatives in their local community, and how to generate awareness of the importance of physical activity/sports in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The online training course will consist of webinars (web seminars) and different online sessions in small groups using a Buddy System methodology.
We are also offering offline training sessions with international guests, instructors and coordinators, from whom you will be able to gather tools and resources to organise your own MOVE Week event.
The training programme has as four central components:

The concept of Sport For All:
- objectives
- values
- worldwide status
- proactivity
Tools and instructions for organising events and projects, such as:
- Practical preparation and implementation of the events
- Promotion, media and marketing
- Fundraising
- HR management of volunteers
Sustainable activation
- Activation of inactive people
- Proactivity among young people
Sustainable partnership building
- Understanding and identifying key partners
- Building sustainable partnerships
Important dates:
European Union | Latin America |
October/November: Call for applications November/December: Selection of the applicants and notification 2016 January to May: Online training June to August: Offline training September/October: Planning of the events for MOVE Week |
October/November: Call for applications November/December: Selection of the applicants and notification 2016 February: Offline training March to July: Online training August to October: Planning of the events for Semana MUÉVELA |